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OOO "ФилФар Технолоджи"

Protective housing for encoder SGWC

Protective housing for encoder SGWC, фото 2
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The SGWC is an innovative protective housing designed to meet the extreme requirements of rotary encoders. The encoder is completely built into a protective housing which can withstand extreme environmental conditions such as shock and vibration, high and low temperature, humidity and temperature changes as well as stone chips. There are no restrictions in the functionality of the encoders compared to the normal industrial versions. For example, the node address can be changed and the bus termination can be switched on. After removing the cover, the diagnostic LEDs are visible and thus indicate the status of the bus communication.

It also offers the option of looping into the existing bus topology with an analysis device for checking bus communication. The encoder is mechanically decoupled from the protective housing. The shaft is adapted via a separate coupling KK14 (data shИли отправьте нам запрос наrge number of flange holes, the adapter flange allows different orientations with respect to the plug output of the protective housing. The protective housing was tested under real conditions for approx. 1 year in order to verify the effectiveness of the measures taken.


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ООО «ФилФар Технолоджи»

220036, г. Минск, ул. Западная, д.13, к.519

Дата регистрации в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 18.03.2015

Номер в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 220993, Республика Беларусь

УНП: 192123248

Регистрационный орган: Минский горисполком

Дата регистрации компании: 18.09.2013

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